Tanya Ouhrabka

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6 Steps To Discovering Your Core Values


Core values are a set of beliefs that influence how you live your life.

Your values are the basis of what’s most important to you in life.

They are the lens through which you can view the world in order to remain in alignment with what’s not only important to you, but what’s BEST FOR YOU.

When you’re living in alignment with your values, you are being AUTHENTICALLY YOU.

These core values of yours shape honor your own wants and needs, how you respond to people and situations, how you set goals for yourself, and how you make important LIFE DECISIONS.

Your core values are different from everyone you know.

They are uniquely yours.

So how does one discover their core values?

  1. Find a list of core values online, or message me and I’ll send you the one I use with my clients. Go through the list and circle all the values that you resonate with.

  2. To dive deeper, think of people you admire. What characteristics do they have that correlate to values on the list. Those are values you deeply connect with. Circle these.

  3. Another step towards discovering your values is to think of experiences in your life that mean a lot to you. These moments are very telling of what you value, and help guide you to your personal core values. Circle these as well.

  4. Take all the values you’v circled, and group them into similar categories.

  5. Next you will choose one value out of each category as your top choice; go ahead and highlight it.

  6. Last step! You’ll choose 5 (7 at the most) that are you top values. These are the ones that you feel most connected to through experiences, people you admire, and values you chose in step one.

What will these core values mean for you and your life?