Tanya Ouhrabka

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Life Coaching: How I ended up doing what I love!

I’m often asked “How’d you end up life coaching?"  “How’d you go from interior design and real estate work to helping people on an emotional level?”  The answer is simple, I have always found myself helping people in this way no matter what discipline of work I was doing.  This is how I arrived at a place in my life where I have taken what I truly love to do most to the next level.  It is here that I'm able to help as many people as possible, as often as possible. 

With a Bachelors of Psychology in hand, I graduated and planned on mastering in clinical social work-following my passion for personal development and mental health.  Life happened, as it so often does, in wonderful ways that brought me to the creation of my interior design business, my other love.   Fast forward, an amazing husband and three beautiful children later, and countless interior design clients that I ended up counseling. 

A design appointment moves away from paint colors and flooring, it goes deeper, the client opens up and leans on me for support and guidance, I feel like I’m home, I feel purposeful, I feel FULL.  Time and time again I found myself counseling and loving every minute of it.  When I took my interior design into staging homes for real estate, and began working with buying and selling clients, it was as if the words “counseling available” were imprinted on my forehead.  For some agents it’s understandably uncomfortable, for me, it’s familiar and invited-I must have manifested it on some level because it was my truth.  Authenticity speaks without words.  The client puts real estate talk aside, brings even heftier deeper emotions to the forefront, and I’m home again, right where I want to be-helping people to be the best they can be

A few situations in particular drew me deep into the counseling role, they challenged me to step up the level of help I could offer.  They showed me that I wanted to do more in the realm of personal development and mental health and this was the time. I was getting the message loud and clear.

How?  What was the most impactful way to serve people in being their best, being true to themselves, to CONSCIOUSLY LIVING and removing blocks.  The answer was by offering action oriented transformational guidance, aha! LIFE COACHING!

Who? Well, obviously I wanted to help everyone, but who could I help on the deepest level?  Who do I resonate with the most?  The answer was fast and clear-women and girls.  

So that’s how I ended up life coaching.  Life has its path, the path is all a part of our layered learning and growth-our journey. 

My journey has brought me here and the gratitude for the work I get to do every day is unimaginable.