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Life coaching services that help women end patterns in order to transform their lives and feel healthy, joyous, confident, and free.

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Tanya smiling in front of white background

I work with women just like you.

There is no “typical client.”

we are all unique, but one thing is the same - our ability to change patterns in our lives, in order to be free of overwhelm, fear, and doubt. There is not one woman who is powerless.


 What’s it like to work with me?


Work With Me

  • As your partner and coach I will support you through the process of identifying and releasing the stories and messages you subconsciously created throughout your life about yourself, and the life you live.

    I will assist you in creating clear, measurable, and actionable steps that will guide you into transformation in all areas of your life.

    We will begin our work together by spending time getting to know the real you (all parts of you) and creating an overview of your life in order to identify areas that need attention.

    In subsequent sessions we will implement the steps that will be most supportive and impactful to your transformation from overwhelm, fear, and doubt to empowerment, confidence, joy, peace, and freedom.

    Sessions are held weekly, either by Zoom, or in person if proximity allows and is preferred. Our initial coaching relationship will be three months. After this coaching period is completed, you will have a variety of other ways to work with me and continued options for my support..

    There is no “typical client” - I work with everyone. I do focus on the age range of 20 – 50, but that is not set in stone by any means. What is set in stone is the requirement that you be dedicated to making changes in your life – the changes that you deserve.

    I received a Bachelors in Psychology from Lake Forest College.

    I was certified as a Professional Life Coach by both The World Coach Institute as well as The NET Institute.

    My Professional Recovery Coach certification is a dual certification through The Net Institute and The She Recovers Foundation.

    I celebrate you for being here right now even landing here on this page and considering investing in yourself is a huge step.

"Tanya has been an amazing life coach for me. It took awhile to find someone as relatable and real as she is. Tanya has been coaching me through life transitions that I would have been going through all alone if it weren't for her support. Tanya never tells me what to do, rather, she helps me make the discoveries and revelations on my own. This has been so instrumental to the confidence I've gained, and the power I'm taking back, after all the years of being powerless. I have daughters, and some day if they need an extra confidence boost, Tanya is exactly who they'll work with!"
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How can we work together?


Initial Coaching Package

Your Initial Coaching Package is a 3-month relationship where we will meet via Zoom at a pre-scheduled, once-a-week session to make the most of your one-on-one coaching.

"Life coaching is her calling! Tanya has been such a gift to my daughter who has been struggling with social anxiety and body image issues. From the start, Tanya was so empathetic and understanding of my daughter, that she opened right up. I had anticipated having to fight her to go to her sessions, but she actually looks forward to her weekly meetings, and the journaling has been wonderful for her. I feel so grateful for what Tanya’s doing for my daughter, myself, and for our family as a whole."

 Are you ready to transform your life?

Let’s do it together!

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