Forgiveness: The Gift & The Miracle
when anger took over joy and love
Ive been asked a lot about forgiveness throughout my life and how I’ve dealt with my past.
The answer is simple despite the complexity of the details.
All those who hurt me and deserted me were forgiven in some capacity so that my heart could heal.
None are forgiven as deeply as my mother.
Some who know my childhood question how it’s even possible.
My answer is: my mother’s actions were her disease, and we are not the diseases we suffer from.
The words she spoke to me were not her own; it was the monster that is alcoholism.
I’m able to comprehend the depth of what alcohol does at every level; therefor I fully forgive.
For the others; there is no disease to blame.
This made it, makes it, more confusing and complicated, but not impossible.
Forgiveness is always possible for us.
I know they were doing the best they knew how, and I had the choice to either live with the pain; or forgive.
So I chose forgiveness for my heart, and healed.
What forgiveness gave me was an ability to hold my “angry” memories in the same space as my compassion for those who created them for me.
The miracle of both/and thinking is the fact that multiple things can be true at the same time; diluting the anger.
Therein lies the miracle.
The miracle of giving the girl in this picture her spirit, joy, vivaciousness, love of life, and smile back.
So very grateful for forgiveness.
It’s a miracle available to us when we’re ready.