I'm Not Available: Blocking out The Noise and Listening To Yourself


We receive what we call in.  We experience what we choose to experience.  We have the power to filter what doesn't serve us, what doesn't benefit our greater good. 

How do we do this?  By being unavailable.  By choosing to be unavailable to the noise, the negative thoughts, the self-doubt, and the internal criticisms-we choose to be self-accepting.  By choosing to be unavailable to other people's judgements or opinions, we choose to be directed by our inner compass, not by that of an external source.

Easier said than done if you're like most of us.  Why? Because we begin very early on in life second guessing ourselves.  We begin to challenge the innate confident voice within us, because the protective voice (the ego) steps in and wants us to play small.  The ego wants us to be cautious rather than daring, reserved rather than free, to have low expectations rather than high expectations, and to believe amazing, extraordinary, and spectacular are not a part of who we are or who we can be.  

WRONG! We are, and will be, all of this as long as we become UNAVAILABLE to the noise, to the negative ego talk, to external sources of validation.  We will recognize how spectacular and amazing we are as soon as we decide that we have no space anymore for such negative thoughts and feelings.  We will feel the confidence and self-acceptance deeply the moment we turn inward for validation rather than looking to other's for acceptance and reassurance.   

By becoming unavailable to all that doesn't serve us, we create a beautiful space to be all we are and all we can be.  

I am who I am today because I listen to my inner compass, my inner voice, my inner knowing.  I wasn't always this way - I lost many years to self-critical thinking and looking to other's for that which I needed to find within myself.  Turning inward and becoming unavailable to the negativity, gives me power and control.  With that comes all the reassurance I need to know that the choices I make and things I do are valid and 100% on target with who I want to be in this world and what I want to bring to others.

You too can feel this sense of self and acceptance by paying attention to what you allow in.  The first step is to SLOW DOWN and LISTEN.  Your intuition is always speaking to you.  Listen to what isn't resonating and feeling optimal.  Become unavailable to all that isn't serving you.  Make space for the good, the positive, and for the beautiful.

Repeat after me ... “ Am No Longer Available!”