Retaining, Reclaiming, & Regaining .... Self-Acceptance
Venice Beach, CA ~ (Circa a long time ago)
Was I referring to myself in Friday’s post on Instagram about the real emotions behind the smile and our ability to truly accept and love ourselves once and for all? ..
Absolutely!!! ~ Referring to you and me both.
I was referring to the version of me who wasn’t her own greatest cheerleader-the Tanya who would have given anything to be anyone else but herself-the version of me who was her own worst critic-the Tanya who diminished all her gifts and beautiful qualities until they weren’t even a consideration anymore.
The power of our mind is that superior to all else.
Good news! As easy as it is for us to block the reality (notice the word REAL in reality) of our importance, worthiness,and beauty inside and out-it’s just as easy to make the life changing switch to reclaim this reality-the REAL AUTHENTIC beautiful you🙏🏻
I do what I do because I was you. I coach girls and women because I don’t want other’s to lose precious time wishing to be other than who they are.
How does this happen? Often the first question a parent asks me when they call about their daughter’s halt in self-acceptance and self-discovery. My goal is to help their daughters RETAIN the self-acceptance.
Often this is the question the amazing women I work with want to know. How did I lose myself? How do I find myself again? Exhausted from putting on a front and a smile from sun up to sun down, just to get up the next day and do it again. Some women refer to it as being an empty shell. They know what they were and what they’ve lost so it’s devastating. My goal is to help them REGAIN & RECLAIM themselves!
So did I work to RETAIN or RECLAIM my sense of self, my self-acceptance and self-love?
A story for another day-but the simple answer is neither. One can’t retain what is not present nor reclaim what has never been. ...
I DISCOVERED who I was after the period when most adolescent girls are not accepting themselves and prior to the period when women begin to lose themselves. It was the time in my life when I finally looked inwardly- I no longer looked to external sources for the answers. I realized that I WAS MY ANSWER!