Depression: The Silent Killer
Depression: The silent Killer
“I never would have known.”
“She seemed so happy.”
He was always so positive.”
“She had everything going for her.”
“He’s the last person I would have suspected.”
Mental health.
These are the words we utter every single time we lose someone to mental illness.
These thoughts are followed by pits in our stomachs as we grapple with the fragility of life.
We share that “it’s imperative to keep an eye on the people we love in case they too are struggling.”
The thing is ….. we can’t know - we can’t see the signs, we cannot hear its cries for help …. it’s silent.
No matter how close we keep our loved ones, we cannot know what’s going on inside …. because it’s skillfully hidden.
The shame keeps the truth suppressed so deep down inside, that it’s nearly impossible to see the signs of depression.
What needs to shift more than people looking out for one another, is people feeling free to share what is really going on emotionally.
The stigma around mental health in this country is so deep and so wide, it’s paralyzing for the ones who are suffering.
Sharing that one is feeling depressed is, in this country, “the kiss of death” to the person suffering.
One would rather suffer alone in secret and in silence, rather than bring light to their reality.
Through this silent “coping” the person suffering from depression feels more and more shame, which only feeds the depression and the anxiety around the deppressive feelings.
So where do we begin in this country? How do we shift this pandemic?
Self-love, self-acceptance.
We begin by speaking truth to our realities.
We stop fueling the shame by opening up and allowing others to know our pain.
Shame cannot survive in the light.
As soon as we shine a light on our reality by sharing it with another, it dies. It know longer festers and grows like toxic poison in our bodies.
This is the way we’ll shift the culture of mental illness in society.
If you’re reading this and suffering silently with shame for your inner struggle, please know that you’re not alone and your voice not only will save your own life … it will save someone else’s life.
Each time we speak truth to what we’re going through, we give permission for others to do the same.
Depression is not who you are …. it’s what you’re going through.
You are not your thoughts and feelings and you will get through this.
Share, share, share!!!!!
You are worthy.
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