Perfection Doesn't Exist And Shame Cannot Survive In Authentic Truth: Women Living Transparently And Empowering Others To Do The Same


You know it’s said that “everyone’s struggling with something.”

The truth is … it’s true.

The other truth is - we all fight so hard to live as if it’s not the truth.

And, the reality of this means we’re walking around trying to be something we’re not.

We’re trying to be “fine” and we’re trying to be perfect.

“Perfect” and “fine” are not real.


There is no such thing as perfection, and “fine” is code for “I just can’t bring myself to talk about it.”

So if perfection and being “fine” don’t really exist, then we’re living under a facade … behind masks.

Why is it so darn painful for us to live our truth - our reality?

The simple answer is … we judge ourselves (our thoughts and feelings) so deeply, that we expect everyone else will do the same.

This immense self-judgement exists (partly in hopes that if we judge hard enough they wont return) but mostly because we are projecting onto ourselves what we think the world around us would think.

Life is hard - reality.

Humans have thoughts and emotions - reality.

Thoughts are not facts, and emotions don’t define us - reality.

So if thoughts are not fact, and emotions don’t define us, then why do we allow them to hold us hostage to our struggles?

Answer: because it feels easier in the moment; but it’s harder in the long run.

Personal struggles.

Let’s return to the beginning - everyone struggles.

Remember, everyone is struggling with something.

Shame cannot survive when light is shone on it.

Speaking truth to what you’re going through kills the shame and guilt - (the fuel of the judgement that keeps you silent and alone with your thoughts and emotions).

Our experiences are different, but we all have thoughts and emotions that are either the same, or at the very least, similar.

We are as humans - the same, or at the very least, similar.

Do not shame yourself and isolate yourself any longer.

Your truth - is at some level, similar to everyone else’s (they just don’t let you know it)…..(YET!).

Speak truth to what you’re going through - big or small, it’s real, it’s valid, it’s your experience - you are worthy.


Free yourself from the facade of trying to be “fine” and “perfect” by letting the outside in - and being real.

The thing is, the more transparent and real you become in your life, the more real other women will feel they can become as well - the ripple effect is transformational and boundless.

The power of authenticity is endless - for you, for your loved ones, and for future generations to come!

Let’s do this together.

One truth telling at a time - lets chip away at shame and guilt, giving way to authenticity, freedom, power, intimacy, joy, and love.

Remember, you are worthy - we are worthy.


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